Basics Minimal Tattoo Online Course

Basics Minimal Tattoo Online Course A small, compact tattoo but full of meaning. Plus you can make money too. Although nowadays there are many people who are open about getting tattoos. But some people may still be hesitant about their current or future careers. Or the house doesn’t allow it. A minimalist tattoo is a small tattoo. It’s not very eye-catching, so it’s a better answer. Suitable for people who are not into full tattoos very well.

Where do you study?
This minimalist course is an online course. that can be studied anywhere Arrange practice time as per your convenience. No matter where you are in the world, it is accessible.

What goals does this course meet? Basics Minimal Tattoo Online Course
People who already open a beauty salon, eyebrow tattoo shop, nail salon, etc.,

but would like to try to find additional services to cater to female customers. That focuses on tattoos that aren’t heavy. The customer may not be someone who has a lot of tattoos, but is a general person.
Peoplewho work regularly But looking for skills to do part-time / freelance
People who just want to use a tattoo machine
Peoplewho want to tattoo people around them, close friends, just a few relatives.
People who want to learn tattooing as a hobby
People who are still hesitating whether tattooing is suitable for them or not. This course will be a great answer.
People who are not convenient can come study at Tattoohouse by themselves.
Instructional details
Learn basic art, drawing and design.
Artificial leather exercises
Understand and learn how to use a basic tattoo machine. Practice using a tattoo machine and important techniques. Things you should know about artificial leather, such as practicing using your wrists Practice drawing lines, practice filling in black, practice filling the face of the needle with precision. Adding light and shadow, etc.
Practice minimalist tattoo techniques.
Single Line, minimalist, single needle type
Typography tattoo font letters
Watercolor watercolor
Dot Technique Dot Technique